School Board Approves $41m Frost Middle School Renovation Contract
FAIRFAX COUNTY, VA — The Fairfax County School Board has approved a more than $41 million contract for Frost Middle School’s extensive renovation.
“Frost Middle School’s major renovation is long overdue. Thanks to Fairfax County taxpayers, these funds will help the school continue providing a top-notch education for years to come. I am grateful to see this investment finally coming to fruition with the unanimous approval of this contract,” said Karl Frisch, Providence District Representative on the Fairfax County School Board.
The renovation project will include additional classrooms, administrative offices, a library, and site improvements, totaling approximately 206,000 square feet. The estimated completion date is Fall 2023.
Funding for the project — $41,150,000 — will come from the 2019 School Bond Referendum and was approved without objection as part of the consent agenda during last Thursday’s regular School Board meeting. R.J. Crowley, Inc. received the contract as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder.