School Board Approves Budget Focused on COVID-19 Recovery, Staff Compensation
FAIRFAX COUNTY, VA — Last night, the Fairfax County School Board unanimously approved its FY 2022 budget, placing the well-being of all students, staff, and families at its core during a time when the pandemic has significantly impacted the county’s finances. Among the Board’s investments was a 2 percent raise for all employees recognizing their sacrifices and commitment to Fairfax County Public Schools during the pandemic.
“Time and again, our educators, custodians, bus drivers, food service workers, and other staff have met the challenges of this pandemic head-on. We have a long way to go before they are paid what they deserve, but the two percent raise included in this budget is a critical demonstration of our gratitude for their tireless dedication,” said Karl Frisch, Providence District Representative on the Fairfax County School Board. “I am thankful the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors and General Assembly worked with us to fund the School Board’s request during these uncertain times and look forward to our continued collaboration in the years ahead.”
The FY22 Approved Budget prioritizes and funds resources that support our students’ academic and social-emotional needs, including increasing technology support for students and their families. A total of 86% of the $3.4 billion budget will go directly to instruction and instructional support with 50 new positions for English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) students, funding for school-based technology specialists, and 18 new social workers and psychologist positions to keep pace with state requirements and better support students as they transition back to five days of in-person learning. The approved budget also absorbs technology support fees, which were formerly charged to families in recognition that technology is now an integral part of the instructional program.
The FY22 Approved Budget represents an increase of just 0.5%, from the FY21 Approved Budget excluding one-time allocations from the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund. The county and state provide 87.4% of the school division’s operating revenue, with the county contributing 64.3% and the state contributing 23.1%. FCPS’ FY21 cost per pupil ranks in the middle compared with other Washington Area Boards of Education (WABE) school divisions — at $16,505 per pupil.
The FCPS FY22 budget begins July 1, 2021.